The site is published by WILLIAM PERHERIN - 15 ALLEE YVES ELLOUET – France, registered in the Quimper trade and companies register under number 93754784200016

The site is hosted by Shopify Inc., whose head office is located at 126 York St. Ottawa, ON K1N 5T5, in Canada.
Phone number: 1-888-746-7439 

The publication director of the site is Mr. WILLIAM PERHERIN. 


Intellectual property:  

The site and each of the elements, including but not limited to brands, logos, icons, infographics, photographs, are the full and exclusive property of the publisher or third parties who have authorized the publisher to use it. The contents appearing on the site are the property of William PERHERIN or other companies. Any use, reproduction or representation, by any process whatsoever, and on any medium whatsoever, of all or part of the site and/or the elements that compose it is not authorized without the consent of William PERHERIN. The absence of proceedings initiated against the use, reproduction or representation of the content without authorization does not constitute a waiver by William PERHERIN of its intellectual property rights.